According to my birth chart, specifically my North Node in Pisces in my fourth house, my life purpose is practicing compassion and non-judgement, embodying surrender and faith in life, focusing on the spiritual and diffusing over-analysis.
The North Node represents the qualities one is learning to embody in this life. The qualities we came here to acquire, for me it’s to develop my intuition and that has involved spending time in nature. My intuition is strong now. I don’t always trust it or listen to it is the problem, mostly I do. I’m working on it. I’m working on not over thinking situations too.
I listen a lot, especially when it involves people. So many times when I work with clients they share private and personal stories with me, sometimes seeking advice or guidance. The things that come into my mind, the words that come out of my mouth, sometimes I don’t know where they come from. Often I am astounded and think to myself, girl you should take your own advice. I have prayed for years to be a vessel, to be used as a conduit for healing, to be inspired, to help and to heal. I believe that my prayers are answered and I am helping and healing.
The more I study my own birth chart, the more I realize I am on my life path. That’s why I’m happy, that’s why I’m stable, that’s why I’m writing this, that’s why I post things on social media that might just drive you crazy, piss you off or make you laugh, I’m living my life path. I’m doing what I came here to do. That’s why all of the right people are coming into my life, to teach me or to learn from me, probably both.
I had to work on developing love and compassion for myself first, and when I got serious about doing that, that’s when my mind changed. Having a strong sense of self, a healthy amount of self love and compassion, and the ability to self reflect, are integral in me living my truth. It helped me to continue to the next leg of my life journey, growing and developing compassion and love for other people. I started with people I love. I prayed and manifested grace, for myself and others, especially my parents. I began to see pain and suffering in people’s eyes and energy. It makes perfect sense in hindsight, why I became a registered nurse, many lessons in the pain and suffering of others.
Sensing the pain that other people are feeling and committing to trying to better understand how they came to their current perspectives in life creates the space for me to then offer compassion and grace.
I’m highly empathic too. I can often actually experience someone’s pain, to a degree. It’s why I don’t like crowds, there is so much pain and so much low energy, it’s overwhelming. I remember in second grade, Scott Finn was getting his ass beat in the hall, and the boys were so excited talking about hearing the board swing and make contact with his butt. I was physically ill. He deserved it, no doubt. He was a pistol, that kid, mean as a snake. I had a conversation with my mom about him a few months ago. I have a lot more compassion for that kid now. I can look back and understand that his home life was the root cause of his behavior. I knew when I was in second grade and I know now, he needed a hug more than he needed an ass beating. He needed someone to care.
I’m also, according to my birth chart, Libra sun, Leo Moon, Scorpio rising, Venus in Scorpio, here to be a warrior for the collective. A warrior of love. An alchemy warrior. I say a lot of stuff, and even if you don’t agree with me, you know that I’m smart. I call out bull shit, especially when people are being hurt by it. It’s why I was bestowed with the gifts and talents that I have, so I can speak and write and share my voice, my truth.
Everyone has a story. Everyone has a birth chart. Everyone has a purpose. When you’re living your purpose, your life flows more merrily down the stream. The more you work on the pain your own story has created, dealing and healing, the more compassion and love you offer yourself, the more the door to having grace for others opens for you. You have to first love yourself though, I’m telling you, and then you must love others. Listen (to credible sources) to understand their stories and their views and values, and offer some grace for their pain and suffering.
I’m not special, we all have gifts and talents, we all have a life purpose, and we all have pain. Many of us have the resources available to us to use them all for our greatest good. Scattering seeds of love and compassion and at least verbally protesting the wrongs in the world, as I see them, is what I signed up for. It was my mission and I chose to accept it. If I’m not mistaken, it’s what Jesus encouraged us to do. Judging by the abundance and the blessings in my life, He is pleased.
Curious about your birth chart or just would like to talk to someone about your current path and if aligns with your life path? I know people.
