As I hit my 40's I found myself what I am going to call it.... lost in style. What was my style? What did I like? Did I have style? Was I out of style? Simply Stated…I HAD NO CLUE. One grace in aging is we start to have our eyes opened. What I determined is that not only did I not really know what I liked, but I was also…OVERSHOPPING. I might have just made that word up but yep I am going to say it's a thing. I would shop in stores or online by brands and just buy items that caught my eye. No outfit or event in mind just buying to buy. Quickly realizing I had lots of "things" but no real full products (outfits) to go off of. So a light bulb went off….. it's time to be more intentional about finding and developing my style. But where do I go from here? How does one do so? Well in the simple steps below you will no longer have to ponder the same questions I once had.
Get a Pinterest Account. If you don't have one get one. You won't know what you did without it. EVER.
Create Pinterest boards (you can make these private if you do not want to share with the world) - Weekend Wear, Work Attire, Vacation, etc.

Start to Explore. This is the fun part. Just pin away. Search and save the style that you like. It's like shopping but with no need for a credit card (doesn't get any better than this).
Plan Ahead (I hate to admit but I look at my calendar within the month-what do I have coming up and what kinds of outfits do I need?) This is for everything (travel, lunches, dinners, work) and I am telling you not only will it save you from OVERSHOPPING but it will help you avoid the "I don't have anything to wear syndrome". Yep, I haven't had that in years. It's called planning ahead ladies.
Shop Your Closet. This is the step that will SHOCK you. If I were a betting person I would bet you have 85% of what you need.Â
 Most of style is (A)-figuring out what you like and (B)-putting it together. It's all about the color combinations, accessories, and textures. This is a post for another day but if you haven't color coded your closet you are missing out on the magic this brings. It makes this step much easier. When this is done all of a sudden you can see color pallets and hues more easily. The thing is great style is not complicated. It's pairing the right pieces to create the outfits you like. You have now made it as simple as pulling up the Pinterest outfit inspirations and starting to pull what you already have in your closet.Â
Create a Shopping List. This is the really cool part. I used to go into a store and just buy things I liked with absolutely no outfit in mind. Now when I shop I only buy the missing pieces. It makes it very easy. It also saves you in OVERSHOPPING.
Pull your outfits. I pull and categorize mine for the week. I have had people comment that they are shocked in how quickly I get ready. Well this takes all the thinking out of it. Get yourself a garment rack and hang what you need for the week. LIFE CHANGING!!

The best part about style is there is no right or wrong answer. It's yours and only love it and embrace it.
Much love,Â