It seems that everywhere you turn someone is talking about manifesting or affirmations and we wanted to get down to business regarding these two powerful words. First, let's get clear on what these two words mean. An affirmation is a statement you believe to be truth. Manifestation is the process of bringing something that is not yet existing (except in thought) into reality. We can use the transformative technique of manifestation to train our subconscious and positively metamorphose our dreams and visions into reality. Affirmations can assist us in this technique as positive transformative statements rewriting our neural pathways regarding how we see our realities and what we believe to be truth.
How is manifestation different from the Law of Attraction? The basic principal of the law of attraction states that when energy is broadcast into the universe it is joined by, and gathers unto itself, energies that are harmonic or resonant in the same frequency of that energy. According to founder of The Quantum Success Coaching Academy and author of The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman, “Thanks to the contribution of Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, we now understand that matter and energy are inseparable, and that energy is the basis of everything in our tangible universe.” She explains, “Everything that manifests in the physical world does so by a process of resonant energies being drawn together.” In other words, manifestation leverages the Law of Attraction.
Can we manifest both negative and positive realities into being? Absolutely. We can also keep ourselves in a perpetual state of waiting. If we affirm, "I am going to be wealthy," the truth we are manifesting states we are not wealthy and that wealth exists in some future state. If, on the other hand, we affirm, "I am amassing wealth every day with clever planning and conscious choices," we are manifesting a reality that includes wealth now. And as we know it must be a truth we believe, we are agreeing to plan and make those conscious choices thus joining our manifestation in action and energy.
Manifesting is not for a special few. Manifesting is something that is available to each and every one of us. What we need to be conscious of is what our past selves have held as beliefs. If we believe our stories can not have happy endings, we will not attract happy endings. If we believe we can not be loved, we will not be loved. We must consciously rewrite those negative stories into ones we can affirm, trust, and believe will attract the outcomes we know ourselves to be worthy of.